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Car Crash Mania
Car Crash Mania

Car Crash Mania

Mayuran Thanarajah 免费 0.00 2024-02-07

"EN" 9+ 2021-02-23T13:15:54Z 游戏竞速策略


Car Crash Mania介绍

Use the unique manoeuvring techniques to dodge and over-take as many cars as possible

Shift lanes as fast as you can

How to play:

to move left / right

- swipe LEFT or RIGHT

to speed up / slow down

- swipe UP or DOWN

to drift

- combine swipes

System requirements

- Minimum

iOS version 10.0


- Supervisor

Thanarajah Mayuran

- Designer / Programmer

Thanarajah Pirathiban

版本更新内容:Bug Fixes

Car Crash Mania截图

  • Car Crash Mania截图1
  • Car Crash Mania截图2
  • 策略
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